Monday, April 12, 2010

I've been running!

Last week I ran 3 nights in a row with my dog.

I don't run.

Never have.

I teach aerobics, but I don't run. I just didn't have the endurance for it.
But I was walking my dog and thought I would try a slow jog. I would tell myself, "I'll run to the end of the sidewalk", then I would feel fine so I'd keep going. That first time I ran 3/4 mile. The next night I ran .92 mile. Then I ran with Jenna (& Zoe) the 3rd night and we ran 1 1/2 miles.

It was about a 12 minute mile, so not too fast, but at least I'm running. Maybe I'll lose more inches?

Oh and here was my goal picture of my back.
This was taken my first summer out here back in 2006.
This is what it looks like now. I guess I need to go tanning...
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Darren and Traci said...

running is very much a love/hate type of relationship. If you do it enough you get "runners high" making you want to do it all the time but then if you take a week off it's horrid to start back up again. Good job doing it! It's totally a mental thing to get yourself to keep going even when you want to stop.

I lost a lot of inches doing it after Eliza though (that paired with Jillian's 30 day shred)

PS your arms and back are hot!

thesvancaras said...

your neck look super thin in the now picture. Your arms look great too!