I have maintained my weight over these past months. I'm about 117 lbs (on a good day). I've been contemplating getting certified to teach at a gym. Any thoughts on that?
Since I will be moving the beginning of October I won't have the church workout to teach anymore and the place I am moving to has a gym so I thought maybe I could teach there. I'd even do it for free! (don't tell them that though :)
I haven't taken any pictures of myself, so nothing new to show you, but I thought I would post these that I had originally posted on another blog. This is what my skin does... eww.
I just followed your link to this blog via Brittany Evans' blog. (She and I went to high school together in Washington) I love how honest you are about your post-baby belly. Mine looks just the same, and it's so sad! Thank you for sharing!
I just saw this one...I think you are quite possibly the bravest person for posting pics like this. My belly does that (and worse) but there ain't no way in heck I'd ever publish it for the world to see! Here's the thing, we all know you're completely fit. It's just...three pregnancies will do that to a body, right? Once you're done havin' kiddos, yours is the type of body that would totally benefit from a little nip and tuck because yours isn't diet/fat related. Skin gets stretchy and there's just really no other way to fix that, it's just unrealistic. I know it's expensive, but I know you work so so so hard to look the way you do, and you seem annoyed at your one little flaw. :p Don't stress about it either way...not too many people see that part of you, right? Well...cept for those who look at this blog...
i was searching about diastastis and belly bands and i found your blog about your own tear. :) i'm thoroughly impressed with your ability to post pics of your belly! i have an 8-9 finger separation after having my third and rather large child. my pictures will not be posted anytime soon on my blog. ;) i just had to write that it's great to see other people talking about it, so many women don't realize what it is.
Hi! I seriously think my body looks EXACTLY like this. My son is 19 months old. I am 5'4", I weigh 112 lbs., I'm in the best shape of my life, and my stomach looks totally and completely like yours. I had a 6 finger seperation from diastasis recti, and I did the tupler technique to fix it. I have seen amazing results, but my skin still dangles. You are brave and inspiring for sharing your photos. Thank you!!!
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