Friday, January 25, 2008

32 weeks and feelin' fine

I went to the doctor today and everything is A-OK. I weighed in at 144 lbs. So that's about 1 pound a week which is good I guess. My hips have definitely moved a lot because I noticed when I sit down with my legs out front to stretch that I have a big gap in between my legs that I didn't before. It's weird to think about my body shifting like that.

I haven't had any back ache this pregnancy and the fact that I'm not sleeping in a recliner like I had to with Logan is a big plus too. The last few days I've had tons of braxton hicks. I couldn't sleep last night because I felt like my stomach was tight the entire time.
In 4 weeks I have another ultrasound to see whether or not I can be induced due to the baby's size. (I hope I can be!)


Terri said...

Lookin' good! How big do they think the baby is?

We went last Monday and they think he is already 5 1/2 lbs! (measuring two more weeks ahead). The doctor told me to do myself a favor and go into labor at 37 weeks! :)

Cassie said...

I can't believe it! Your belly is all right in front. It looks super cute slowly poking out more with each picture.

tiff snedaker said...

Great baby belly - you are getting bigger! Nice that you haven't had back aches this preg. Aches & pains make it REALLLLY hard to enjoy being pg. I'll cross my fingers for you that you have a big baby in there so you can be induced early! Logan was a good sized baby wasn't he?

The Bluths said...

Logan was 8.11 lbs and a week and a half early.

tiff snedaker said...

Big boy! Yeah - I'd want to be induced if I were you, especially if it went well for you last time!!