As for me; my biceps are sore. We did a lot of curls I guess on Monday. I am going to teach toning on Friday. Hopefully my kids can behave while I do that. Still no weight loss, but I'm feeling good even though by night time my stomach just feels so bloated and full. I get really thirsty.
Wouldn't it be nice if our stomachs looked the same sitting down as when we're standing up? Yuck. Waistbands are not my friend right now.
Dena - what a hot little momma you are!!! Love the pic!
That's cool that you have pictures of your mom pregnant. I don't think my mom has any of her pregnant with any of us kids. Good job working out. We are paying for gym memberships and still suck at working out.
are waistbands ever your friend after you have a kid? My stomach is flat and still when I sit or bend over it looks like I have a roll.
Amen to the sitting vs. standing remark. Even when I feel pretty good standing, it all goes downhill when I sit. URG!
Lol--those pants! What a cute picture!
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