Sunday, September 14, 2008

What inspires you?

A lot of things inspire me. As of this moment? I've been thinking a lot about Stephanie and Christian Nielson. Don't know the story? Go here: cjane. And to go back to where it all started, read the first post here.

A girl I visit teach in my ward taught a lesson today about the plan of salvation. She talked about her brother who is the 'Christian N. ' mentioned above.

Their life inspires me, as I know it does MANY others.

I was reading today the Relief Society Theme. This part stood out:

"Find nobility in motherhood and joy in womanhood."

Stephanie has definitely done that. Have I?


Darren and Traci said...
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Darren and Traci said...

So I deleted that comment because I totally slaughtered the word "inconveniences" and didn't specify that I was talking about what inspires me so here's my post again... Genuine people and people who can give/serve without thinking of themselves. I always try to serve "with a happy heart" but find myself thinking about how it inconveniences me more than I should and I hate that.