I haven't gotten around to scrubbing the dark line off my stomach yet. I think I'll attempt it once I get my skin a bit more tight.
I'm going to start working out again tomorrow! Yippee! I'm so excited. I bought some almonds today as a healthy snack alternative, although I doubt I'll give up my usual stuff.
I also think I am going to change this blog into an invitation only, due to the subject matter and my pictures. So if you want to be on that list let me know, even if you read my blog and I don't know about it yet, drop me a line and I'll add you. I don't want to leave anyone out that reads it and doesn't comment.
Wow! You are not shy, are you? :) After baby bellies are scary. Although, your's is very small already. Don't leave me off this fun ride...add me on the list! I can't believe you are just 5 lbs from your pre-preggo weight. You kinda make me sick. :)
I always read this part of your blog, don't forget to invite me! :)
P.S. I'm so jealous you can start working out already! I was sore for months! Probably because you were in such good shape during your pregnancy.
I think you look great. You can tell that your frame is so little. The skin tightens on it's own slow time scale. But you look awesome. That's amazing that you are so close to your pre-pregnancy weight.
gotta love the stretched out skin. I didn't know you can scrub the linea nigra line off? Just scrub at? As simple as that? Mine's still quite dark too... Nice that you are losing your weight so quickly. I want an invite to your blog :)
I didn't know you can scrub that line off either. I had it with Dean and it lasted through most of my pregnancy with Eli also but went away before he was born. I think I am going to join you and create a fitness blog as well (invited-readers only, of course.). I think it is a great way to motivate a little more self control and even accoutability for myself. I was going to propose this after reading the Snedaker's blog but you beat me to the punch. You are always so full of great ideas and your tummy already looks really small. Good luck to you, you can do it!!
OK ditto to everyone who said 'you can scrub that off?' I never got that line. My tummy was already big enough! Anyway, thanks for the invite. I always forget to check this blog now that you've done birthed your baby.
Oh, and you are stinkin' brave to post a belly shot! Mine has got the nice saggy skin from 3 pregos and lots of weight lost. Still more to go.
You go girl! Way to be a proud mama... and have the mama belly!
totally didn't know you could scrub off lines. mine just go away.
Hey brave girl! I so admire you! I get that brown line too, I forgot about that. It takes a couple months to go away if I remember right. It takes me a good while to get my tummy back to flat...just last month is when I finally felt like I could wear my tighter on my tummy shirts again!! 18 months! What we do for those sweet babies, right?
Thank you for including me on your invite only blog. I am very interested to see what tricks you may be able to teach me...although, 1) i haven't had a baby ever and 2) I am a chunky monkey! :) Love you guys!
Ashley, I love that you just let it all out. More women need to talk about the reality of motherhood! I'm envious that you're comfortable enough to let the world see! Although, I must admit, I love the silky softness of my belly wrinkles. My husband thought something was wrong with me when I got excited to see stretch marks.
Since you exercise and teach aerobics classes, I'm sure you already know about how important it is to strengthen you transverse abdominal muscles. But I'm mentioning it because, I didn't, but wow, has it made a difference! Here's a link for some basic info in case it's news to you. http://www.befitmom.com/abdominal_reconditioning.html
AND congratulations on number 2!! I completely agree with you, that the babies make every wrinkle worth it!
thanks for posting this! my hubby thinks if women get stretchmarks and wrinkles on their stomach, it's just because "they didn't workout enough".i showed him your picture and he's like "she's smaller than you"...i said "exactly!". So he finally understood that even the most fit mom will get some stretching and loose skin no matter what.
i think it's important for men to see post-pregnancy bellies so they are mentally ready and don't have unrealistic expectations of their wives.
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