Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Sorry no pictures

I'd take a picture of my stomach, but it really hasn't changed too much. Although I do feel like I am getting my arm definition back. I started teaching again on Friday and also Monday. I'll teach toning every Thursday from here on out. I feel like they went pretty well. At least I was sweating a whole lot yesterday. And I was so sore after my toning class on Friday! Ouch.
I wonder when I will ever be to the point where I don't need a nap during the day. If I don't get one I am dead by 7:30pm. Gotta have me naps!


tiff snedaker said...

So does Logan still nap for you? It sounds like it if you get naps :) Where do you teach classes at? Nice way to get back into shape!

Darren and Traci said...

way to go!! I haven't been sleeping well at night so I am super sleep deprived and haven't been making it to work out regularly. I wish I had more determination like you. Nice that you still get naps!!!

Val said...

Honey, you have more than one kid now. You will feel like you need a nap from here on out.

Amie said...

it was a good class--my sides are sore from those side dip things!

Jenna said...

Well you wouldn't need a nap if your kids ever slept in, you get up early in the morning so a nap is very neccessary!! :)