First off I want to say that I'm teaching aerobics all this week and all next week. When you teach you really have to be on top of your game and I think you get a way better workout than when you are following a teacher. I can't be the one to quit early. So I weighed in this week at 125. Cool beans.
Here is a fun tag because it includes pictures, not as boring as some are.
Here are the "rules" for this game of tag. You are supposed to take pictures of the following things just as they are - no stopping to clean, straighten, or to wipe a child's nose: The kitchen sink, the fridge, the toilet, the closet, the laundry room, your favorite shoes, your favorite room, and your kiddies. No cheating!

The dishes are clean? Weird

Food goes here

Pretty boring bathroom

yeah Toni, I color coordinate too. :)

Not comfortable, but I love em!

Notice Ethan's handy job above.

Logan's quiet book is slowly getting destroyed on my bed.

This is what the boys were doing. Ethan holding Gavin and watching sports while still playing with Logan at the same time. Heman.
Glad to see I'm not the only one who sorts their closet by color! You must be pretty cool, too. Thanks for playing!
I sort by color too! My friend Chels used to make fun of me so I'm glad there are more of you out there. I think I learned it on TLC or something, that it was "easier on the eyes" and "cleaner looking" to do that in a closet. I agreed so I did it. I do Dev's clothes that way too but NOT the boys. Their stuff looks cute in the closet no matter how it hangs. :o)
I hope you are doing well, Ashley (and Ethan and family). I was thinking of you the other day, I wish we hung out more in Rexburg, you were always so much fun and Dev liked Ethan too. If you ever move to Houston, we'll be your buddies!! Or, you can just come visit sometime too.
Our laundry rooms look like twins. So what do you keep in those little cubbies above there?
OK so I did it tonight--though I admit I had to choose the lesser of the two evil bathrooms. There was pee in the boys' toilet and I just couldn't bring myself to take a picture of it. So you get my bathroom with tampons on the back of the toilet. I'll post them probably Thursday as I have a few set up for this week already.
I wouldn't be able to do this because our house is perpetually messy. I never have time to clean it since I've started studying for the bar. I'd be so embarrassed if everyone saw our messy house...
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