Thursday, June 12, 2008

Ok long time I know

I'm really not ready for any pictures yet. I tried scrubbing off that line on my stomach today and boy did that hurt! I don't think it's quite ready yet. I've decided that I am really going to try and be more optimistic about my body. No more glancing at every angle when I pass a mirror, no more criticizing (yeah right). Well I'll try at least. I have a hard time when 1. I had a great body pre-pregnancy and 2. I see moms that have great bodies afterwards and I won't ever have that... not like it was. Weight hasn't changed. But my workouts are going great.


Terri said...

Well, if it makes you feel better about yourself I would be thanking my lucky stars to weigh 126. I am a loooong way off.

Darren and Traci said...

Doesn't the line just come off by itself? I don't really get it probably because I am blonde and pasty white but I've heard that it just fades and goes away. No fun scrubbing till it hurts. I think you will feel good about how you look soon. Just give it a couple months for things to firm back up and you'll be feeling fine and I think back where you were. I've been finally hitting up the gym again and I see moms with 3+ kids with smokin bodies so there's hope for us I guess!

Jen Trost said...

Keep up the good work on exercising!! Don't give up -though I feel that way right now being 5 weeks post baby. And I thought I was eating pretty well last week, but no weight change...

Shauna@shwinandshwin said...

It is really hard not to be critical of your own body, I finally decided to give up on the last 5 pounds and trying to look like I did before, I realized when I see woman in great shape with kids in tow the first thing I think is are they really hers? I am proud to be a mama and if my body has to always show it so be it. I think you look great! You should be proud!

Brooke said...

Don't worry - it will come off with time, I had one also. I can't remember how long it took. As for your body - if you got back once you can do it again, it may just take longer. My tummy isn't flat for a good 15-18m after I have a baby. Not what you want to hear I'm sure but better later than never!! Sometimes it just takes time no matter what you are doing exercise wise.