Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My appointment...

I had my ultrasound done on Wednesday. She is estimated to weigh 7 pounds 14 ounces right now at 37 weeks.

I am dilated to a 2; 75 % effaced and she is at a -2.

Last night I got woken up by horrible contractions. They went on for a couple hours, but weren't consistent. Really got me scared though, I wasn't prepared! I've never gone into labor on my own.

Plus I have been horribly sick. Not sure what, but I have no energy. Luckily I have an AMAZING husband whom has helped out a TON!


Darren and Traci said...

Ugg that totally sucks to be sick and pregnant, that just shouldn't be allowed to happen. Especially so close to delivering, it's not like you don't already feel like your body is having issues and then to add that on top of it.

I wonder if you were having contractions because you were sick, have you been dehydrated? That can give you awful contractions. I'm glad Ethan is so helpful, I always feel so bad for people that have husbands who are kind of clueless when it comes to helping out.

Anonymous said...

Ashley, you are indeed fortunate to have such a great husband, but then I'm a bit biased. You holler if you need help and I can come until your Mom gets there. Hope you feel better soon. We're sooo excited to meet Jane!

Shannon said...

Oh I can't wait! She will come soon! I went into labor on my own with Gavin. It was the night before induction I was so praying I would and boom! He came on his own quickly~ can't wait for lil J too arrive!!